● 示例 ▶

1. Predictive biomarker discovery for the molecularly targeted therapy
Fig.1 In vivo efficacy of the molecular targeted therapy strongly correlates with the expression of predictive biomarker. (a-b) IHC staining of the predictive biomarker in patient derived xenograft tumor models. (c-d) In vivo efficacy of the molecular targeted therapy in the same set of models.
Fig.2 IHC staining of the predictive biomarker in patient samples.
2. Pharmacodynamic biomarker
Fig.3 PD biomarkers analysis by multiplex IHC at Yicon.
A. (a) Composite images of two targets, Ki67-blue and CD31-red together with DAPI-blue in xenograft tumor model after the treatment with vehicle. (b) low dose of the drug. (c) intermediate dose of the drug. (d) high dose of the drug. B. Data shown as the histogram.
3. Lymphocyte infiltrating analysis in tumor microenvironment after cellular therapy treatment
Fig.4 Composite images of four targets of human T cell subtypes in xenografts after treatment with vehicle (upper left) and different cellular therapies.

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